
Timothy Herchen
The JS Guy

Hi! My name is Timothy Herchen, and I'm an incoming (not anymore) high school freshman living in Palo Alto, CA. My interests include math, programming, photography, music, and cows. Some of my past accomplishments include winning the 2016 BAMO (Bay Area Mathematical Olympiad) and winning the 2017 Stanford ProCo tournament in the Novice division.

Languages: C, C++, Python, JavaScript, Go, LaTeX, TypeScript



Brandon Chung
The CSS Guy

Good ! I'm an incoming high school freshman (as of 2017-05-28T10:53−07:00) in Palo Alto, CA. I, too, have many great accomplishments. Like, once I sort of did some math thing and it was fun. I greatly enjoy composing music, programming, web design, being pedantic about date standards, and of course, bovine things.

Languages: English, Python, HTML, Java, JavaScript, CSS, XSLT, Arduino, OpenSCAD

Contact: Say "udder" τ times and you will summon me.


Though we'd love to have direct contributions, you don't have to be an excellent programmer to contribute, either. Novel ideas are appreciated, as well as bug fixes and/or code quality improvements. If you'd actually like to write or fix some code, please fork this the repository and make a pull request. This is a rather small project as of now, so we don't have any particular standards on how to contribute.

If you've found an issue with something, please notify us. Assuming you have a GitHub account, you can add one on our Issues page. If not, just shoot Timothy an email – contact information is above. Critical security issues, however, should probably not be reported on the GitHub Issues page, as it is public. If you have found a dangerous flaw (e.g. allowing running of shell commands on the server computer) please email Timothy.